Second Grade - Full-time
Second grade cements the foundation of phonics and launches a true love of reading. Students start to explore history from a Christian perspective as they dive into quality literature, student-made materials, art, stories and songs to make it all come to life. The language of numeracy grows in 2nd grade as students dive deeper into math concepts.
Bible (Deep Roots)
We are looking forward to exploring God’s Word through our Bible curriculum. Deep Roots is dedicated to equipping students with a biblical worldview by helping them realize the truth of God’s design for human beings. Studying worldview in conjunction with apologetics, students can grow more confident in Christ. They will be able to care for other people by answering their objections to Christianity and offering them reasons that support the truth.
What will students study?
- Jesus in the Temple (attentiveness)
- John Baptizes Jesus (sincerity)
- Jesus and Nicodemus (submission)
- Jesus Calms the Storm (faith)
- Jesus Walks on Water (courage)
- Birth of Christ: The Messiah Comes (joyfulness)
- Crucifixion & Resurrection (meekness)
- And more…
Phonics (Abeka)
- Blends
- Diagraphs
- Combinations
- Trigraphs
- Sight Words
- Singular/Plural
- Suffixes/Prefixes
- Spelling Rules
Reading (Collaborative Classroom : Making Meaning)
- The Reading Community
- Fiction and Narrative
- Making Connections
- Visualizing
- Making Inferences
- Wondering– Fiction
- Wondering– Nonfiction
- Text Features
- Important Ideas
Writing and Grammar (Collaborative Classroom : Being a Writer)
- Parts of Speech
- The Writing Community
- Telling More
- Fiction
- Non-Fiction
- Letter Writing
- Poems and Words
- Opinion Writing
Math (Sadlier-Oxford: Progress in Mathematics)
- Addition and Subtraction Facts
- Place Value to 100
- Data and Graphs
- Addition-2 Digit numbers
- Subtraction-2 Digit numbers
- Geometry
- Money and time
- Place Value to 1,000
- 3 Digit Numbers
- Fractions and Probability
- Measurement
- Multiplication/Division
Science (Project Lead The Way and other various resources)
- Life Cycles of Living Things (Animals and Plants)
- Matter
- Overview of Space and Weather
- Force and Motion
Social Studies (Georgia Studies Weekly News Magazine)
- Historical Figures in Georgia History
- Creek and Cherokee Culture
- Georgia Regions
- Government Rules and Laws
- Citizenship
- Economics (goods/services, scarcity)
- Art
- Music
- Spanish
- P.E.
- Media Center/Reading Counts
- Technology
- Chapel
4755 Kimball Bridge Rd., Alpharetta, GA 30005 | phone: 770.751.1972 I