Kindergarten - Full-time

Kindergarten at Valor Christian Academy is not your typical A to Z, 1-2-3!  At VCA we believe that kindergarten is one of the most important foundational years because it is the student's first impression of learning in a structured environment.  All year long we journey with the students to help them explore the world around them.  Through a strong educational foundation, we encourage a child's love for learning, for community, for strong character, and most importantly, for God, their Creator.

Bible (Deep Roots)
We are looking forward to exploring God’s Word through our Bible curriculum.  Our Bible curriculum is published by Deep Roots. Deep Roots is dedicated to equipping students with a biblical worldview by helping them realize the truth of God’s design for human beings. Studying worldview in conjunction with apologetics, students can grow more confident in Christ. They will be able to care for other people by answering their objections to Christianity and offering them reasons that support the truth.

What will students study?
  • God’s Word
  • Creation
  • The Garden of Eden
  • Noah and the Flood
  • Abraham and Sarah
  • The Promised Land
  • And more....

Reading (Collaborative Classroom: Making Meaning)

  • Vocabulary
  • Skills: Sequence, retelling, character, compare/contrast, questioning, drawing conclusions, and important details
  • Students practice at their independent reading level

Writing and Grammar (Collaborative Classroom: Being a Writer)

  • Grammar: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives
  • Sentences 
  • Speaking/listening/learning skills (speaking to others, listening, interviewing, journals, and learning logs)

Phonics/Spelling/Handwriting (Abeka)

  • Phonemic Awareness
  • Phonics: Decoding (consonants, vowels (long and short), blends, digraphs
  • Fluency in oral reading (decodable readers/fluency readers)
  • Handwriting (manuscript)
  • Spelling (patterns and sight words)

Math (Sadlier-Oxford: Progress in Mathematics)  

  • Identify and write numbers 1-100
  • Number words
  • Ordinals 
  • Addition/subtraction strategies to 15
  • Data and graphing
  • Place value to 100
  • Geometry
  • Money and time to the hour
  • Measurement
  • Addition and subtraction of single digit numbers
  • Fractions 


Science (Scholastic: Let’s Find Out)  

  • Five senses and how we use them to explore the world around us
  • Identify and sort properties of matter
  • Energy and how it changes motion
  • Our earth and space and how it affects weather and seasons
  • Living and nonliving things and their specific needs and habitats
  • Plant types and their related needs 

Social Studies (Georgia Studies Weekly)

  • Our friends and families
  • Family traditions, holidays, and celebrations
  • Finding our homes, neighborhoods, cities, and state on a map
  • Citizenship and honoring the symbols of the United States 
  • Our government and the laws (rules) they make to keep us safe 
  • Community workers who keep us safe 
  • Our history and how people from long ago helped form the country we know today


  • Art
  • Music
  • Spanish
  • Media Center
  • Technology
  • P.E.