
cltOver 250 Colleges & Universities Accept CLT Scores

Colleges and universities across the United States recognize the value of the CLT, and the excellence of CLT and CLT10 test takers. That’s why hundreds of colleges recruit students who take the CLT, and even provide scholarships based on test performance.


Here is how CLT is unique from other college entrance exams:

  • It can be taken online from home.
  • It features meaningful reading passages drawn from classic authors of the liberal arts tradition, including Christian authors like Augustine and Thomas Aquinas.
  • It includes critical thinking questions that other exams have forsaken, offering a more comprehensive picture of students’ aptitude and achievement.

After you receive your CLT or CLT10 scores, you can share them for free with as many colleges and universities as you’d like. This is a great way to connect directly with admissions counselors and directors.



